Careers with TRS Healthcare

If you’re a healthcare professional searching for a new opportunity, TRS Healthcare has the career options for you. With jobs available for travel nurses, international healthcare workers, and allied health professionals across the U.S., we can help you find the assignment that meets your career, financial, or geographic needs!

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Travel Nursing

Are you a registered nurse (RN) or licensed practical nurse (LPN) interested in traveling to new cities, working at various healthcare facilities, and making a meaningful difference in local communities? If so, then a career as a travel nurse might be for you.


Qualified registered nurses (RNs) and medical technologists (MTs) seeking direct hire positions at U.S.-based healthcare facilities can work with TRS International to relocate to the U.S. and secure permanent healthcare careers.

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If you work in an imaging, radiology, or laboratory healthcare profession and are interested in becoming a traveling healthcare professional, TRS Healthcare has allied health career opportunities available that can align with your career goals.

Find a Job with TRS Healthcare

Ready to take the next steps with TRS Healthcare? If you’re a U.S.-licensed health professional, you can search for jobs by state or healthcare specialty! If you’re a non-U.S. based health professional, you can fill out our international application!

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Grow the TRS Family

See a travel position that might be a great fit for a friend? Recommend them to TRS Healthcare, and you’ll earn up to $1,000—and they’ll get $250 when they start! No limits on referrals!

Nominate a TRS Nurse of the Year

TRS Healthcare recognizes nurses who provide exceptional patient care with our annual Nurse of the Year award. Submit a nomination now for a TRS nurse you think deserves recognition!
