Travel Nursing Housing with TRS Healthcare

Travel nurses preparing for a new assignment have a lot on their minds. Between coordinating a move to a new city and getting ready for the first day on the job at a new facility, there are many details that need to be organized. That includes setting up temporary housing for the duration of the contract. But don’t worry—TRS Healthcare is here to help make your travel preparation easy!

What We Offer Our Travel Nurses

When it’s time to set up housing for your travel nursing assignment, TRS Healthcare does the heavy lifting. We want you to focus on being successful at your new healthcare facility, not worrying about where you’re going to stay. We do the research and provide the housing payment assistance you need.

Housing Research

We research a variety of housing options close to your next travel assignment that align with your budget and lifestyle, then we present you with the three best homes for your needs. After you choose your temporary home, we get to work on securing your housing.


Housing Loans

We offer our travel nurses housing loans to help secure their accommodations as quickly as possible. We can cover a deposit, the first month’s rent, or the first two weeks of the assignment. Then, we’ll simply deduct that cost from your first paycheck with no interest and no additional fees.


Working with TRS Healthcare

Not only does TRS Healthcare assist with travel nurse housing, but we also offer competitive pay, incredible benefits, credentialing services, and a first-class customer support team when you need them.

Young woman sitting on park bench next to parked bicycle


With 401(k) retirement plans, full-coverage health insurance, and other great benefits, you can feel comfortable transitioning from a permanent staff position to a travel nursing career.


When you receive your travel nurse job offer, our Credentials team will help you establish and cover costs for certifications, screenings, licenses, and more so you can start your position on time.

Attractive young female nurse checks smartphone as she walks in a hospital hallway
Middle-aged Black male nurse with stethoscope


If you encounter any issues while working at a new healthcare facility, we want you to know you’re not alone. Our Customer Support and Clinical teams will help address and resolve these issues quickly.

Travel Nursing Jobs

You can search for travel nurse jobs by state, your discipline, or your nursing specialty. Plus, you can filter by location radius, pay, shifts, and more!

Frequently Asked Questions About Travel Nursing Housing

Traveling nurses typically stay in temporary accommodations while on assignment. These accommodations are often apartment rentals, single-family home rentals, room rentals, or extended hotel stays—though some travelers may opt for less conventional housing, such as a recreational vehicle (RV) or travel trailer. In many cases, housing accommodations can be arranged by the travel nursing agency the nurse works with. For example, TRS Healthcare has a Housing team that assists with travel nursing relocation.