Allied Health Careers with TRS Healthcare

Are you an imaging/radiology tech, respiratory therapist, laboratory specialist, or another allied health professional looking for travel opportunities? TRS Healthcare can help you get started with your allied travel career. We have travel jobs open for a variety of allied disciplines throughout the U.S.!

Cutout of young male nurse holding a folder against a transparent background
Imaging specialist reviewing X-ray image of leg

What Is Allied Health?

Allied health provides a career path for healthcare professionals who are specialists in imaging, respiratory, laboratory, and other allied fields who may be interested in travel assignments. These professionals work temporary short-term or long-term assignments at hospitals and clinics across the country, helping to provide care in high-demand areas.


Typically, allied travel assignments are 13 weeks, with some shorter term (such as 8 weeks) or longer term (up to 26 weeks) positions. Allied specialists often work with a healthcare staffing company, like TRS Healthcare, to find opportunities that fit their financial needs, location interests, lifestyle requirements, and career goals.

Why Become a Travel Allied
Health Professional?

Many allied professionals turn to travel after working permanent staff positions to find better pay and benefits, to energize their careers, expand skills in new healthcare settings, or improve job security. They can also utilize their expertise with travel assignments by providing quality care in underserved communities while exploring different cities and cultures.


Because of their unique skills and expertise, allied travelers who specialize in medical imaging, respiratory therapy, and medical laboratory work are in high demand across many communities—especially rural areas—in a variety of healthcare settings, which can open doors to great career opportunities.

Male radiographer working in hospital X-ray department

Working with TRS Healthcare

Allied specialists seeking travel careers through TRS Healthcare can apply for positions through our website or contact a recruiter to discover travel opportunities. We want our job search and application process to be easy for our allied healthcare travelers. Our process typically goes like this...

Step 1

You apply to work in a position at a healthcare facility through TRS Healthcare.

Step 2

Our team works with you to build your allied specialist profile, confirm your licenses and credentials, and prepare you for your interview so that you can put your best foot forward.

Step 3

Once the position is offered and you accept the assignment, we help you get ready to relocate and provide housing assistance, if needed.

Step 4

You sign your travel agreement, get packed up for relocation, and start your travel assignment.

Step 5

Our team checks in with you on a regular basis to ensure you’re happy with your experience.

Step 6

Before your current assignment ends, we reach out to help you extend your current assignment, move onto a new location, or take a break before accepting another assignment.

If you have questions about available allied healthcare job opportunities or how facility contracts work, our specialized allied health recruiters are happy to discuss allied travel options with you in more detail!
We provide 401(k) retirement plans, full-coverage health insurance, and other great benefits for travelers. Our recruiters will work with you to meet your professional, personal, and financial goals.
When traveling across the U.S. as an allied healthcare specialist, you’ll need somewhere to stay. Our Housing team will help find the right housing options for your budget, lifestyle, and comfort.
Licensing & Credentials
After receiving a job offer, our Credentials team will help establish your licensing, certifications, work history, and screenings so that you can start your allied health travel contract on time.
If you encounter issues at your facility during your travel assignment, our Clinical team is available to work with you and the facility to resolve issues quickly so that you feel confident and comfortable.

Find an Allied Travel Job with TRS Healthcare

Cutout of two young friends walking arm-in-arm laughing against a transparent background

Recommend an Allied Traveler
to TRS Healthcare

Have a friend who is an imaging, respiratory, or laboratory professional? Refer them to TRS Healthcare, and you could earn a referral bonus. Your friend will also get a $250 bonus when they start their assignment. Help your friends and colleagues have a great career with TRS Healthcare!