Apply Now with TRS Healthcare

Ready to start your travel nursing or allied health journey with TRS Healthcare? Create an account or log into an existing account below to get started! If you live outside of the U.S. and are interested in applying for a healthcare position, please fill out the application for TRS International.

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Application Process

When applying to work as a traveling healthcare professional with TRS Healthcare, you’ll first need to start by creating an account or logging in with an existing account.


Once you’ve created or logged into your account, you’ll be prompted to build your profile, where you’ll answer questions and provide details related to the following:

  • Background
  • Address
  • License Information
  • Education
  • Employment
  • References
  • Certifications
  • Identification

After you’ve finished your profile, you’ll be directed to a Terms & Conditions page, where you’ll review policies and agree to the outlined terms and conditions. Upon completing this step, you can submit your application to TRS Healthcare for review and verification with our Recruiting team.


When our Recruiting team has verified the information within your application, the process is complete, and you’ll be able to start submitting yourself to jobs available through TRS Healthcare.