Refer a Traveler to TRS Healthcare

Two young friends walking in the park arm-in-arm laughing

The TRS family is growing, and we appreciate your help with that continued expansion! If you know a registered nurse (RN), licensed practical nurse (LPN), or allied health specialist who would be a good fit with TRS Healthcare, share your recommendation with us!


When you recommend a traveler to TRS Healthcare, you’ll earn a $1,000 bonus*. Additionally, the traveler you recommend will receive a $250 bonus. It’s a win-win for everyone!

*To qualify, a referral must be a first-time traveler with TRS Healthcare. You and your friend will receive your bonus once your friend completes the first two weeks of their assignment.

Why Travel with TRS Healthcare?

From our recruitment and traveler concierge experts to our clinical support and operations teams, TRS Healthcare cares about our healthcare professionals and works diligently to ensure they have everything they need to meet their career, lifestyle, and financial goals.

Nominate a TRS Nurse of the Year

TRS Healthcare recognizes nurses who provide exceptional patient care with our annual Nurse of the Year award. Submit a nomination now for a TRS nurse you think deserves recognition!
